Friday, November 28, 2014

Got through the week

Just got back from my workout at a Gym in Ottawa.

Had a good workout.   Got through the week; went for three workouts though I had a cold. November was a good month.  Looking forward to December.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Remember where you were at two months of Boot Camp

Hey.  Still working on my video updates!
Two Months of Boot Camp

Fitness - Working through a cold (November)

The weather is not great (Cold) and I have a head cold.  Best option is to use the treadmill at home. What helps is walking briskly for a while (20 minutes), do some sit ups and stretching.  Makes me feel better even though I have a head cold.

I have to decide if will join SOF boot camp in December.

Though we discuss much physical fitness, don't forget that it is a three fold balance, of Mind, Body, and Soul.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ottawa Boot camp update - Glad I stayed home in November

Hi and here is my update:  I'm Glad I stayed home in November.

The weather has been terrible and I have got a cold now.  Otherwise I have been exercising indoors at home, but not as intensely as with the Soldiers of Fitness boot camp.

Thanks for all your comments and encouragement!