Friday, March 28, 2014

Completed March Bootcamp!

Greetings everyone, and I have great news.  I completed my 12 sessions in the month of March, as part of a boot camp to accelerate my weight loss, and general fitness.  They presented me with two Graduation certificates (one for completing the first month of boot camp, the other for Most Improved).  That was great and it made me feel good.  Thanks to everyone who helped at the boot camp and everyone in the blogs who read them and Plus One'd my blogs.

Of course, as I have said it was an experience and most of the month I had aches and pains, and was almost sick to death in the hours leading up to bootcamp at 6.30pm.  But I did it.  I have less aches and pains today on March 28.  And now I intend to continue in April.

And when there was a running drill around the baseball diamond,  I was almost always at the back of the group, and team members would circle back and encourage me, and give me breathing tips when in a full jog.  I noticed that I can barely speak when jogging, but I am not used to it, but others are able to jog and talk and encourage others.
Thanks again to everyone and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Two Classes Left for this month's Boot camp

Two Classes Left for this month's Boot camp, tonight and Thursday.  I have been through a head-spinning period on intense exercise in March.  I cannot wait to complete my next two sessions.  Every month is 12 sessions, and I will sign up for April's fitness month.  Tonight is a cardio night and tomorrow is a strength night.  I'm looking forward.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Three weeks into Boot camp and now starting to Feel better

Good morning everyone and I hope you're feeling as good as I am.  Finally after three weeks of serious hurt from exercise, and I had a restful weekend, and now I am feeling very good.  Confidence is up, body adjusting, and getting results.

Today I still want to warm up and stretch before my evening boot camp session.  I always do warm up and it helps.
Its still seriously cold in Canada, and my outdoor exercising will not be as fun in the cold.  It might be a cold last week of March.  I intend to do another video this week, and wrap up my review of one month of boot camp.  Thanks for reading, and feel free to plus me.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Norm's Ottawa Boot camp

Three weeks of Boot Camp complete

Today I am feeling good, after three weeks of Fitness boot camp.
We did one hour of strength training of the legs on Thursday evening.  We usually start with Jump Squats, and lunges, and drag tires!
Overall, our group put in a very good effort.  When I observe how I am doing compared to the others, I noticed some other people have strained issues, and have to stop for short breaks due to minor muscle spasms, or back pain.

Check out my video at Youtube:

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Norm's Bootcamp in Ottawa

The bootcamp program I chose is a program of 1 hour sessions, 3 days per week.   
After I get used to this commitment of time, and when the better weather arrives then we will try to have fitness activity more than that.  
I am confident that I can commit to these 3 days weekly.  I am feeling 'stronger' after only 2.5 weeks. 

In these 1 hour sessions we are usually starting with some jumping jacks, push-ups, jumo squats and burpies.  After doing these activities for 10 minutes, we catch our breath and start an activity like jogging for 30-40 minutes.  Sometimes we pull tires with a rope behind us, and those tires feel heavy and drag. When the hour is up, we feel very tired.  I will give you an update soon, and have a great day.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

2014 - Bootcamp!

I began the year by going to the gym again.  Going to the gym had me feeling good again.  I had some lactic acid build-up in muscles but it was not the worst pain.  Later in the winter, a friend asked me to join a Fitness Bootcamp and I thought long and hard about it.  I joined.
I had heard about bootcamps before and was curious.  I also figured it may be my last attempt to kick-start my health at middle-age, lest I slide into middle aged obesity (I was already over-weight, and riding the line between over-weight and obese).

The people at the bootcamp are in good shape- not like me.  They review the rules with you, and one of the rules is "Don't quit!".  So though I was the out-of-shape middle aged person in the platoon, I perservered.

Surviving a bootcamp can be dramtic, dealing with one's limitations and all the soreness associated with this harder intense physical training.  Some strength training exercises can be enjoyable, and I would like to improve my cardio and so I am doing my best to succeed.

I will try to keep you updated more regularly.   Have a good day.